HR news

HR news

A Slight Increase in The Number of Women On Boards

According to the recent data gathered by Statistics Canada, there is a slight increase in the women’s percentage on boards of directors in 2017.

The 2017’s dataset includes 31,266 directors from 10,108 corporations. 18.1 percent of the director seats were occupied by women compared to the 17.8 percent out of 30,486 directors in last 2016 data.

The percentages in which the boards comprised of entirely male individuals are 61.7 percent in 2016 and 61.2 percent in 2017. Boards with 1 female director in 2017 is 27.7 percent in 2017’s proportion compared to the 2016’s 26.6 percent. Boards with more than 1 female are…

HR news

Some of Ottawa’s Top Employers: StatCan, Shopify, NAV Canada

According to the annual competition run by Mediacorp Canada, the top employers of the National Capital Region include Statistics Canada, Shopify and NAV Canada.

The competition’s criteria involve the following:

physical workplace,

employee engagement and performance,

work atmosphere and communications,

health and family-friendly benefits,

financial benefits and compensation,

community involvement,

vacation and personal time off, and

training and skills development.

Anthony Meehan, publisher…

HR news

1 / 3 Workers Plan to Stay in Current Jobs

A report according to Achievers, the company that focused on employee recognition and rewards, stated that 33 percent of the employees had plan to maintain their jobs this 2020 compared to the 47 percent last 2019.

Two-thirds of the surveyed employees are likely to head for the exit and the possible reason is employee disengagement. According to Natalie Baumgartner, the chief workforce scientist of Achievers, said that a large portion of the current workforce are already taking steps on towards the exit and it was a huge shift compared to what they found last year.

52 percent stated that the pay was what discouraged …

HR news

Modern Workplaces and the Usage of CBD

Due to the popularity of CBD in the world, many people wonder whether it is allowed in the workplace. Many doctors and scientists claim that CBD is among the best products for pain relief.

While CBD is praised for its pain-relieving properties, taking CBD oil or amanita mushroom gummy while at work is deemed to be risky. Compounds in both substances may trigger positive results in workplace drug tests, jeopardizing employment.

CBD Definition

CBD, commonly known as cannabidiol, is a product derived from the Cannabis …

HR news

CBD and the Workplace: What Is Legal?

Have you noticed just how popular the use of CBD and cannabis has been getting? This is a no-brainer since these CBD gummies have been helpful in treating chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and more. However, people remain unsure about the legality of the substance. In reality, it is still quite blurry and even more so when it comes to the workplace setting.

Allow us to share with you what we know about CBD and the workplace.

The Legal Status of CBD

Both in the United States and …