
The humanists.ca consists of three publications:

  • HR Reporter
  • Employment Law
  • Labour Reporter.

Along with the current issues, subscribers will have the latest updates sent weekly and full access of archives of past publications.

HR Reporter

Established in 1987, the publication produces 12 issues a year filled with the latest news and information about the current trends. They also include perspectives and advices from experts of the fields of Human Resource research and practitioners.

Readers will be able find detailed HR-related news from Canada and all around the world, including the newest developments on employment law and various topics covered by expert columnists such as mental health, recruitment, diversity, employee engagement and performance management.

Employment Law

Since 1987, the Employment Law has been providing the business owners, managers, executives, HR professionals, trade unions and law firms the newest developments on laws of employment.

They produce 22 publications a year that includes the current news, various legal cases, informational articles and legislation internationally, all in relation to employment law written in the most convenient reading format for everyone’s understanding.

Labour Reporter

This publication provides weekly content that has serve the industry of industrial relations and also the labour professionals and lawyers all the way since 1956.

The content keeps the labour professionals with the latest reports regarding the coactive bargaining tables all over the country and arbitration summaries. The publication also monitors the current events in working conditions, wage settlements and pension benefits that encourages the subscribers to negotiate their wage contracts according to the updated economic data.