CBD and the Workplace: What Is Legal?

Have you noticed just how popular the use of CBD and cannabis has been getting? This is a no-brainer since these CBD gummies have been helpful in treating chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and more. However, people remain unsure about the legality of the substance. In reality, it is still quite blurry and even more so when it comes to the workplace setting.

Allow us to share with you what we know about CBD and the workplace.

The Legal Status of CBD

Both in the United States and Canada, the legality of CBD in the workplace remains confusing. In 2018, the Great White North already legalized the recreational use of cannabis. However, this has not made matters any easier and only adds to the confusion.

In Canada, only a licensed retailer can purchase CBD. Right now, there appears to be no difference between cannabis itself and derived compounds in the eyes of the law. Non-intoxicating CBD oil and high-THC strain get treated the same way.

In the Work Setting

People are waiting for CBD to be regulated in a different way from recreational cannabis. Despite this, the current reality is that it gets the same treatment in Canada. It remains legal for recreational use, but this does not crossover to the workplace.

According to the Human Rights guide, employers have the right to create and enforce workplace standards that extend to substance use during work hours.

For Medical Reasons

If you have been authorized for medical cannabis use, you can legally consume CBD while working. The Government of Canada says that employers are obligated to accommodate an employee with an identified disease, injury or disability even when it is not particularly convenient.

This includes substance use for those with authorization to consume cannabis medicinally.

Basically, Canadian law says that employers of those authorized to use medical cannabis have a duty to accommodate their condition.

On Drug Tests

First of all, please take note that it is not a common workplace practice to conduct drug testing.  It is standard only in safety-sensitive positions that can lead to dangerous accidents when working while impaired. CBD does not result in impairment, but many still worry about it.

The good news is that CBD use does not appear on a drug test. Most drug tests search for opiates, amphetamines, and cannabis. THC presence is used in urine tests, which means that CBD will not be detected.

You only have to choose your suppliers and products carefully. Trace amounts of THC might show up when you consume full-spectrum CBD. Always look at labels if you are set to undergo a drug test.

CBD might not be an intoxicating substance, but Canadian law dictates that it should be regulated just like cannabis. Sadly, we can only wait and hope for this to change. It remains the right of employers to create their own rules about substance use, including CBD, during work hours. However, your employers need to accommodate if you have authorization to medically use CBD.



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